Creation Care
We are passionate about Creation Care and are pleased to have received an A Rocha ‘Eco Church’ Silver Award.
As a church community we seek to celebrate, respect and protect the world that God has entrusted to us. The work of the ‘Creation Care Team,’ involves practical work on the church grounds, as well as coming alongside other church ministries to provide advice and resources.
In addition the team seeks to raise awareness of Creation Care issues amongst the congregation, so that corporately and individually we can live in an informed and responsible manner regarding environmental matters.
Join the team
If you have a passion for the environment then we would love to have you as part of our team. Working in our churchyards at Southover, South Malling & St John’s is an ongoing part of our work and we regularly have fun and friendly working parties for gardening and maintenance of the grounds.
Managing Lifestyles
Everyone has a part to play in looking after God’s creation through our lifestlyes. Areas to consider are:
Cutting down on how much we consume by living more simply.
Modifying our purchasing choices.
Increasing the opportunities for biodiversity within our own gardens.
Ethical Purchasing
As a church we are committed to creation care and want to make responsible and ethical choices in all areas of church life. To support us in the endeavour we have agreed a policy on Ethical purchasing and created an accompanying set of guidelines.
Download our Ethical Purchasing Policy HERE.
Download our Ethical Purchasing guidelines HERE.
Useful Links