Gathered Worship
The body of Christ is a beautiful, diverse and varied mix of many people who worship God in a variety of ways.
Whether you are exploring faith for the first time or have been a Christian for a long time, we hope from the range of services below there will be something that will enable you to worship the living God, grow as a disciple of Christ and be part of the TRINITY church family.
TRINITY Church meets across 6 congregations.
South Malling Sunday 9.30am
Smaller more Intimate gathered worship with a mixture of well-known hymns and songs. Provision for primary aged children.
St John sub Castro Sunday 10.30am
Contemporary and Charismatic Family Worship with provision for children and youth aged 0 – 14.
St John sub Castro Sunday 4.00pm
(1st & 3rd Sunday each month)
Quieter traditional varied worship with a piano. (No children or youth provision)
Southover Sunday 11.00am
Mixture of Organ, Choir and Music Group led worship.
Southover Sunday 6.30pm
(2nd & 4th Sunday each month)
Contemporary & Charismatic Worship
Southover Wednesday 9.00am
Traditional Book of Common Prayer (BCP) with communion and sermon (no hymns)
South Malling Sunday 9.30am
Smaller more Intimate gathered worship with a mixture of well-known hymns and songs. Provision for primary aged children.
Service of the word, with communion once a month. Sparks (KS1) & Blaze (KS2) meet during the service. Music led by combination of organ, clarinet, flute, keyboard & guitar. Refreshments afterwards.
St John sub Castro Sunday 10.30am
Contemporary and Charismatic Family Worship with provision for children and youth aged 0 – 14.
Contemporary, informal service of the word with communion once a month. Firecrackers (Pre-School), Sparks (KS1), Blaze (KS2) & Ignite (KS3) meet during this service. Often there is space for the Holy Spirit to minister. Prayer Ministry is available after the service. Refreshments afterwards.
St John sub Castro Sunday 4.00pm
(1st & 3rd Sunday each month)
Quieter traditional varied worship with a piano. (No children or youth provision)
The service rotates between Evensong with hymns, Healing focus or Songs of Praise
On the third Sunday of the month, the service is Holy Communion (Common Worship)
Sung worship is always led on the piano. Refreshments afterwards.
Southover Sunday 11.00am
Mixture of Organ, Choir and Music Group led worship.
Hybrid service with hymns and contemporary songs. Communion once a month. Refreshments afterwards. This service is live streamed on our YouTube channel and can be found via our website.
Southover Sunday 6.30pm
(2nd & 4th Sunday each month)
An informal service with an extended time of contemporary worship and teaching. There are opportunities for response and prayer ministry. Refreshments afterwards. This service is live streamed on our YouTube channel and can be found via our website.
Southover Wednesday 9.00am
Traditional Book of Common Prayer (BCP) with communion and sermon (no hymns)