If you are only just starting to get to grips with Christianity – or TRINITY Church – then the conversation about giving money to church can wait.
For now please enjoy being a part of our community and finding out what we’re about as a church. It’s great to have you with us.
However if you do wish to be a partner with us in growing the kingdom of God then regular giving is a really important part of every Christian’s discipleship for three reasons:
1. Jesus said, ‘where your treasure is, there your heart will be also’ (Matthew 6:21). In other words, we give money to the things we love and we love the things we give money to.
2. Generous and joyful giving is an appropriate and telling response to the love of God in our life. One place the Bible talks about this is in Corinthians 8:1-15.
3. As a church our mission is to grow the kingdom of God in people’s lives. All our ministries point towards this single aim. Every ministry in our church needs money to run, which means we rely on our members for everything we do.
Giving by PGS
There are various ways to give regularly every month or every week. The preferred method of giving is via the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS).
These forms are NOT available to download but can be found in all three TRINITY locations.
Anyone wishing to join the PGS scheme, and set up a regular Direct Debit gift to the church, can call the dedicated
telephone number 0333 002 1260. Our church name is TRINITY Church Lewes, PGS parish code 100610471.
Giving by Debit / Credit Card
Other ways of giving to TRINITY are detailed below:
Standing Order
After PGS which is the simplest, the next easiest way to give is to set up a bank standing order that comes direct from your bank/building society account at a time to suit you.
If you are a tax payer then for every £1 you give a further 25p can be claimed by the church from the Inland Revenue; all you need to do is to sign a ‘Gift Aid’ form.
Regular Giving via Envelopes
If you prefer to give what you can regularly on a Sunday you can have some envelopes from the Asst. Treasurer, with your own giving number written on them, this unique number identifies you, and again tax can be claimed back if you complete a Gift Aid form. All you do then is to place the envelope in the offering plate on a Sunday.
Legacy Gift in your will
Finally, you can leave a legacy to the church in your Will which will help the ongoing mission of the church.