
A thriving youth work community where we hope all young people will feel welcome and make lasting friendships.

Our programmes range from simple social stuff that encourage anyone to come and belong, to more in-depth Bible teaching in small groups where young people and leaders meet to encourage and support each other.

Take a look at all the activities for young people below, then come and join us! Get in touch with Tim if you’d like to know more!




After Hours

Consent Form

Year 6-11  //  Fridays
7:30 – 9:30pm during term time

TRINITY – St John sub Castro

TRINITY Youth Group, TYG, is open to anyone in Year 6 – Year 11. The group is jam-packed with mad activities, chill-out time and off-site adventures! We meet every Friday during term time at TRINITY St John sub Castro.

TRINITY St John sub Castro, Abinger Place, Lewes BN7 2QA

For Young people in year 9-13 // Sunday Nights

1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month


TRINITY Southover – Church End

Fuel is our youth bible study on a Sunday evening. We have an engaging and interactive talk on what being a young Christian looks like today, before breaking into smaller groups for discussion on the topic. And there’s plenty of cake!

Church End (next to Southover Church)
Cockshut Road, Lewes, BN7 1JH

For Young people in year 9-13 // Sunday Nights

2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, after the evening service, finish 9:00pm

After Hours takes place after the evening service. After Hours gives our young people a social space to chill out after the service, build relationships and do a variety of low-key but fun activities. Open to anyone in year 9-13.

Church End (next to Southover Church)
Cockshut Road, Lewes, BN7 1JH 

Years 7 to 9 // Sundays


TRINITY – St John sub Castro

For Years 7 to 9, Ignite runs alongside 10.45am Sunday worship at St John sub Castro. The young people start in the service with everyone else and then go to their own space to explore Jesus and faith in a relaxed and interactive way.

Other Groups