Mission Partners
At TRINITY we support mission organisations in the UK and overseas. We also send and support members of our own congregation to serve, heal, and share the Gospel of Jesus.
There are a number of organisations and individuals we regularly support. Each one can be found below. For more information on TRINITY mission partners, please see the Mission News sheet or speak to a PCC member or a member of staff.

Lisa Buyinza
Pearl Of Grace
Pearl of Grace Ministries is a registered community based organisation, founded by TRINITY member Lisa Buyinza, operating in Entebbe and Gomba in Uganda. Pearl of Grace exists to holistically support vulnerable or abused children and adolescents, for the purpose of seeing lives transformed by Jesus. Their vision is to see broken young people, families and communities restored, rebuilt and transformed by the love of Christ.
Lisa writes: This year we are currently re-laying the foundations of Pearl of Grace Ministries, rewriting our constitution for progressing to NGO registration, with the help of a new lawyer, and rebuilding our team. Please pray for that step by step process as we continue supporting the girls under the ministry.
Lisa is supported by TRINITY Mission Advisory Body.
Website coming soon! In the meantime, please contact Prilla Rowland, Lisa’s mission champion at TRINITY, for more information.

We seek to save lives at Beachy Head, using search, rescue and crisis intervention to reach out, offering hope to anyone who is suicidal or in distress.
Our search and rescue chaplaincy staff are supported by a large team of qualified and committed search and rescue chaplaincy volunteers. We patrol on foot and by car, and respond to emergency calls, to locate people at risk.
Our chaplains are Christians from local churches and although we reach out with the love of God, we never impose our faith on the people we seek to help.
We believe that by receiving skilled crisis intervention support at their time of crisis, people in suicidal distress can be awakened to the hope that there are other ways forward to address the problems they face.
For more information about Beachy Head Chaplaincy Team, see https://bhct.org.uk

Prison Fellowship UK exists to reach out to prisoners with the love of Jesus.
Its work is based largely on volunteers, who can be found in many different roles.
Volunteers from TRINITY Lewes & other churches are involved in many different activities – visiting Lewes prisoners on the wings, helping in prison chapel services, talking and praying with prisoners showing them love and acceptance. Volunteers run a creche for prisoners’ children during families’ visiting hours, guitar courses, Sycamore Tree courses to enable prisoners to look at the effect of their crimes on their victims and seek to make changes in their lives, Alpha courses, letter writing and correspondence; and helping prisoners send Christmas presents to their children, through Angel Tree.
We also meet privately for monthly prayer, and prayer requests from prisoners and Chaplaincy team are emailed to those willing to pray.
New volunteers are always welcome to join the team . There are many opportunities to get involved in this “mission field on our doorstep”.
Not all these activities take place all the time. but if you are interested in any particular activity please contact:
Mary Boyum
For more information about Prison Fellowship, take a look at their WEBSITE HERE

Life In Abundance is an African founded, faith-based community development organisation serving in 14 countries throughout Africa and the Caribbean. They seek to partner and empower the local church to break the cycle of poverty within some of the poorest and most maginalised communities by restoring health, renewing hope and inspiring lasting transformation.
Their unique, proven and sustainable model of transformational development builds on the spiritual truth that the Gospel should bring about changes within the spiritual, social and material dimensions of a community to improve the human condition with a “wholistic” approach.
For more information about Life In Abundance, take a look at their WEBSITE HERE

FSW works in partnership with the Diocese of Chichester to help support families across Sussex. Set up to help those on the margins of society, FSW works with families who are most at risk of slipping through the safety net offered by the state, and support parents as they try to ensure their children have the best start in life. FSW’s Family Support Practitioners are all qualified professionals who work intensively with individual families. They visit families at home to provide one-to-one emotional and practical support.
FSW helps those struggling with low income and poverty; housing issues; mental/physical ill health; domestic violence; and school refusal/exclusion.
Help offered includes listening; parenting advice; money management skills; advocating on behalf of the family; providing food and clothing; group play sessions; and after-school & holiday activities. For more information see www.familysupportwork.org

Bible Society believes that the scriptures are God’s gift to the world. They want everyone to discover its message for themselves.
Because of that, they translate the Bible and make it accessible in people’s heart languages, bringing it into public spaces where its voice can be heard, for instance through the Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast or The Pitch film fund. They encourage people who’ve never thought the Bible was for them to explore it for themselves, and see life through a different lens.
In many parts of the world, the key barrier to people engaging with the Bible is availability. At home, it’s simply that many people don’t think the Bible is relevant to them.
At TRINITY we do this through the Open the Book programme where teams go into some of our local primary schools to present Bible stories in an engaging and challenging way
For more information about Bible Society, see https://www.biblesociety.org.uk/

HOMELINK helps people into housing in the Lewes District who cannot get help from the council due to a shortage of social housing. Founded in 1998 by the Lewes District’s churches, HOMELINK assists individuals and families in crisis, and the hidden homeless who sleep in tents or on someone’s sofa. HOMELINK enables people to move into homes by offering interest-free loans to cover advance rent and deposits. Its small grants service helps provide essential white goods & other items.
HOMELINK is looking for new trustees. Volunteers are also very welcome.
Pray for all those serving with HOMELINK as they seek to share the love of God in the local community.
For more information about HOMELINK, see https://leweshomelink.org.uk/

THE LEPROSY MISSION is a global Christian organisation leading the fight against leprosy. Its Mission: Following Jesus Christ, we seek to bring about transformation; breaking the chains of leprosy and empowering people to attain healing, dignity and life in all its fullness.
Founded in 1874, The Leprosy Mission has been supporting people affected by leprosy in Africa and Asia for almost 150 years. It is currently serving in 10 countries, working towards the goal of zero leprosy transmission by 2035. It works in 4 key areas:
Diagnosing and treating leprosy; Caring for disabled people; Fighting stigma and advocating for change; Pioneering research. Leprosy prevails in areas of poverty, and a new case is diagnosed approximately every 2 minutes.
Pray that The Leprosy Mission may never lack the staff or the means to carry on its healing work according to God’s will.
For more information about The Leprosy Mission, see https://www.leprosymission.org.uk/