Ash Wednesday & Lent
We all hoped we would be back meeting together on site for worship and church activities by now, but as we approach Lent we still find ourselves in restrictions. Here are a few suggestions for ideas that might help you focus on your faith this Lent.
Ash Wednesday
We’ll be holding our Ash Wednesday service on Zoom (please contact us for the link). The service outline is available below. If you are not able to join Zoom you might still like to read and pray through this service by yourself or over the phone with a friend.
Friday reflections
On Friday evenings through Lent members of TRINITY will share a short reflection on a passage of scripture. Find them on our website HERE, YouTube and Facebook.
Lent idea sheet
If you’d like some suggestions of things you could do, whatever your age, to help focus on your faith, have a look at the ideas on the sheet, all based around key Christian themes (& put together by a member of clergy from another church).
Children’s resources and bags
Are being put together by Emma and team – if you’d like to receive them please contact
Churches Together Lent Course
Churches Together in Lewes are offering a Lent course called ‘Caring for Creation’. It will be run via Zoom on five Tuesday evenings, starting on 23 February from 7.15-8.45pm, all are welcome. For more information & to join the course contact Gretel Scott:
Lent Books
If you’d like some Lent reading we’d recommend any of these new books:
Living His Story by Hannah Steele (£9.99), looks at revealing the extraordinary love of God in ordinary ways and is The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book for this year.
Lent Reflections on Life and in Christ by The Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally (£9.99), explores the ways in which we can live the Christian life to the full today.
Candles in the Dark: Faith, Hope and Love in a Time of Pandemic
By Rowan Williams (£9.99) offers comfort, hope and encouragement for the troubled times of coronavirus.
Daily encouragement from SPCK
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