Sharing Your Faith on Social Media

Recently I went to the Premier Digital Conference in London, and the overarching theme of the day was digital evangelism: sharing our faith online. It’s always an inspiring conference but I was particularly challenged this time when Rachel Jordan Wolf, Head of mission...
“The Bereavement Journey” Course

“The Bereavement Journey” Course

Starting Monday 15th October ~ 7-9pm ~ Church End, TRINITY Southover    Walking through grief takes a long time and no two people have the same loss or the same journey.   We offer a 6wk course called “The Bereavement Journey” on Mondays at...


Last month as part of Thy Kingdom Come and the Diocesan Year of Prayer we were praying in our new prayer room at The TRINITY Centre, 24 hours a day for 4 days. It was wonderful to take the time out to seek God for those we love, for the town we love, and the world we...

Holy Week Reflections

Holy Saturday – in the Grave Read: Luke 23:50-56 What, if anything, stands out to you? Listen: Stations of the Cross by Malcolm Guite 13 and 14 click on the numbers to get the audio   Artwork: two choices today: ‘The Deposition’ Ugolino de Nerio – look close up at the...

Listening to the right voice

Last term I spoke at the 6:30 and encouraged the congregation to think about who they follow (eg: a sports team, band, someone on social media) and then invited them to shout out that thing all at the same time. The point being that you then couldn’t hear what...